Strategic Initiatives
We offer customized services for a range of diverse clients, including academia, pharma and medical device companies, healthcare and community-based organizations, and government agencies.
Consulting Services
Available services include, but are not limited to:
- Convening thought leaders for steering committee and advisory board meetings
- Environmental and market scans using literature reviews, focus groups, and surveys
- On- and off-site continuing education lectures and seminars for workforce development
- Innovative and impactful research in the areas of population health, health outcomes research, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, health economics, and healthcare quality and safety
- Developing and implementing publication strategies (JCPH is the editorial home for Population Health Management and American Journal of Medical Quality)
Contact Alexis Skoufalos for more information.
Quality Improvement & Patient Safety (QIPS) Leadership Program
Originally created by the Jefferson College of Population Health to develop a critical mass of physician faculty able to lead in quality improvement and patient safety, the Quality Improvement & Patient Safety (QIPS) Leadership Program has grown and evolved to encompass interprofessional leaders from all areas of healthcare.
Community Driven Research Day
Community-Driven Research Day (CDRD) is an annual event that provides a networking opportunity for community-based organizations (CBOs) and academic institutions, in an effort to foster joint projects that enhance the health of communities.
Philadelphia Diabetes Prevention Collaborative
The National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) was created in 2010 to address the increasing burden of type 2 diabetes. The National DPP lifestyle change program designed for patients with pre-diabetes focuses on behavior changes related to healthy eating and physical activity and has demonstrated that its participants can reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58% (71% for people over 60 years of age). Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
With the support of the AMA and CDC, the Jefferson College of Population Health created the multi-stakeholder Philadelphia Diabetes Prevention Collaborative (PDPC) and the DPP Philadelphia Concept City project was initiated, with an overarching goal of enrolling 2000 participants in the five-county area in a CDC-recognized DPP, with half of the participants being referred through a health care provider in 2020.
Hearst Health Prize
Population health is essential to transforming from an illness-centered healthcare system to one focused on protecting and improving health. We created this prize to help identify and promote promising ideas in the field that help to improve health outcomes, and thus proliferate best practices more rapidly.
Our goal is to discover, support and showcase the work of an individual, group, organization or institution that has successfully implemented a population health program or intervention that has made a measurable difference.
The winner of the Hearst Health Prize receives a $100,000 cash prize, and up to two Finalists each receive a $25,000 cash prize, in recognition of outstanding achievement in managing or improving population health.