Privacy Policy

Thomas Jefferson University respects your privacy.

As a general rule, the University’s web site does not collect personal information about its visitors. Although we use cookies to collect information about your movement through this site and to know if you have visited us before — these cookies do not capture any personal information about you. Furthermore, you are not required to even have cookies enabled in your browser to view most pages on

Cookies are, however, required for

Other services for which you may see a cookie set include HireJefferson, the University Events Calendar, services employed by the technology help desk and physical plant.

Personal information that you provide via email or through other online means (e.g. forms) will be used only for purposes necessary to serve your needs, such as responding to an inquiry, processing an application, or posting material you have authorized us to post (e.g. alumni contact info submitted through the site). If additional personal information about you is requested by a particular office (e.g. an online application through the Office of Admissions), the web page that collects this information may have a separate, more detailed privacy statement that will tell you how that data is to be used. In many cases (including applications sent to the Office of Admissions), this information is collected and processed via a secure server (look for the prefix https:// in your browser’s address bar).

Note that we do use server logs to collect information concerning your Internet connection and general information about your visit to (page visits, duration of visit, etc.). Such information is, however, unconnected to any personal information about you, and is used solely for statistical purposes

As we acquire and analyze the data that is entered into, stored on, and/or transmitted through this site, such information is only released in extreme circumstances (when legally required) to help law enforcement investigations, legal proceedings or internal investigations of university rules and regulations violations. Such information may be used to track electronic exchanges between our server(s) and source computer(s) and/or account(s). Such instances, however, are rare.

In some cases, you will be prompted for authentication to private areas of our network. These password-protected areas may contain their own policies and instructions. Each has its own set of protocols for access. Please consult documentation and “help” information specific to each area (e.g. WebAdvisor, Blackboard, Library Databases, Admissions Applications, etc.) or contact individual administrators of these various sites.

Finally, we are not responsible for cookies set by third party websites linked to our website that are, however, managed by the University. Facebook and Twitter, and YouTube, for example, may gather demographic and user data as you navigate their sites; these sites have their own privacy policies and statements which should be read and understood before any engagement with aforementioned sites is begun. Laws regarding liable, slander and other illegal behavior similarly apply to any third party site where Philadelphia University maintains a presence. 

Questions, comments or concerns about privacy should be addressed via email to [email protected] or through regular mail to: Jefferson - East Falls Campus, Public Relations, School House Lane and Henry Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144.

All questions of a technical nature should be addressed to our Technology Help Desk at [email protected] or telephone 215.951.4648.