
About Our Fellowships

The College hosts several pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, and faculty fellowship programs for junior and senior researchers in population health, healthcare quality & patient safety, health economics, data science, clinical research, and others. Below is information about each program, eligibility requirements, and the application process. For more information, please contact the director of the program that you're interested in. 

Health Economics & Outcomes Research Fellowships

The goal of this fellowship program is to prepare pharmacists and other health professionals for careers in health economics and outcomes research. Current industry sponsors include Celgene, Ethicon, Janssen, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Teva Pharmaceuticals.

Doctoral Fellowship in Primary Care Research & Transformation

The Primary Care Research Fellow conducts primary care research under combined mentorship of research faculty and health system leaders. Research projects are aligned with the health system's primary care strategy so that research fellows learn how to produce high-quality research findings that drive clinical transformation. 

Primary Care Faculty Development Research Development Program 

Based in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, at Jefferson's Sidney Kimmel Medical College, this two-year program for physician faculty consists of coursework (with an option to receive a master's degree or certificate), mentorship, an individual research project, and multiple opportunities in medical student and resident training. 

Pre-doctoral Research & Teaching Assistantships

A limited number of graduate research assistantships are available for PhD students, up to 20 hours per week. Assistantships are associated with a stipend consistent with the NIH’s allowable rate for the payment of graduate students, as well as some offset of tuition. Positions are competitive and not need-based. Graduate research assistants are matched with faculty and college research projects. Students can apply between April 1st and June 30th for the upcoming fall trimester.

Please email Richard Hass, PhD, for more information or an application.

Faculty Fellowship in Population Health Research or Practice (Coming Soon) 

Full-time faculty appointed in other colleges and schools at Jefferson may apply for a 1-year faculty fellowship to receive intensive training and mentoring in an area of population health research or practice. Full-time employed faculty in all ranks and tracks at Jefferson are eligible. 

Visiting Faculty Fellowship in Population Health (Coming Soon) 

Full-time faculty employed at colleges and universities outside of Jefferson may apply for a 1-year faculty fellowship to receive intensive training and mentoring in an area of population health research or practice. Faculty inside or outside of the U.S. are eligible.