Funding Opportunities

Travel Fellowships

In addition to JCLS Travel Fellowship, please keep in mind that many conferences offer travel fellowships for postdocs. Whether or not you plan to apply for the JCLS Postdoctoral Travel Fellowship, please look for and apply for additional opportunities.

Additional source of funding can be a journal that publishes in your field. Examples include: PLOS Early Career Travel Award Program, American Society Cell Biology (ASCB) offers Postdoctoral Fellow Travel Awards to attend their annual meeting, as well as grants to host a local meeting.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Program

The Jefferson Postdoctoral Association and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs offer the Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Program (PFAP) to assist Jefferson postdocs in the preparation of postdoctoral fellowship applications. Although competitive, these fellowships are a very valuable achievement for postdocs and are an excellent way to demonstrate your ability to obtain funding.

For more information please contact: [email protected]

Office of Research Administration  

Before applying for a grant you must notify the Office of Research Administration (ORA) department about your intention and they will assist you in applying for, and managing, sponsored funding.

Research Administration Center of Excellence  

The Research Administration Center of Excellence (RACE) is a shared service center that will provide faculty and postdoc-centric research administration support across Jefferson.

Deborah L Roussell, PhD, Senior Scientific Writer- RACE, provides substantive editing services for grant applications to federal funding agencies. 

Dr Roussell offers grant editing services to all faculty and postdoctoral fellows, in all departments and on every campus, on a first-come, first-served basis. This service is Inclusive of all of the “science” sections of typical, NIH, DOD, NSF, CDC, etc., grant applications (e.g. for an NIH grant:  Letter of Intent, Biosketch, Narrative, Abstract, Introduction, Specific Aims, and Research Strategy).

Editing services include: Basic copy-editing and proofreading, language, grammar, syntax, typos, cut/paste errors, suggestions for substantive edits and revisions of style and formatting, organizational flow, scientific and persuasive Content and more.

To request grant editing services email [email protected] with your near-final grant draft.

Extramural Funding Opportunities

Please visit the link below for information about funding opportunities from government agencies, private foundations and other sources. A shared service center that will provide faculty-centric research administration support across Jefferson.

Funding Opportunities

In addition, check the Jefferson Library for books and other resources about grant writing. Moreover, you can also request a 1:1 consultation with a librarian to learn how to use Pivot and other grants information resources.

When applying for grants, make sure to learn about Offices of Research Support Services, check Collaboration tools and browse through Other Resources.

Useful Links

Non-federal funding opportunities from corporations, associations, foundations and trusts through December.

New Tutorials on Preparing and Submitting Your NIH Grant Application

Show Me the Money — Funding Opportunities for International Graduate Students and Postdocs