Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs works with the academic departments to determine human resource needs and training opportunities for postdoctoral fellows.
About Postdoctoral Affairs
Read about our work, view our newsletter and learn about our faculty award winners.
Jefferson Postdoctoral Association
Explore a program designed to provide a channel for communication, promote understanding and intellectual stimulation and improve the position of postdoctoral fellows.
International Postdocs
Find helpful information before you arrive to help you succeed at Jefferson.
Career Resources
Learn about the events and resources available to you.
Funding Opportunities
Grant and research program funding available at Jefferson.
Training & Collaboration
Technical Skills Seminar Series and Teaching and Excellence Center outreach.
Distinguished Mentor and Travel Fellowship Awards.
New to Jefferson/Philly?
Learn about housing, transportation and events throughout Philadelphia.
The Jefferson College of Life Sciences is a sustaining member of the National Postdoctoral Association
Postdocs can become Affiliate Members for free. How to Sign Up as an Affliate Member Infographic