Undergraduate Policies


Academic Standing


This policy specifies the minimum academic performance required of all undergraduate students as measured by Grade Point Average (GPA) and dictates the ramifications for failing to meet that minimum. 


Good Academic Standing

Undergraduate students are determined to be in Good Academic Standing when they have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) at or above 2.0 at the conclusion of 12 credits attempted. Freshman GPA is evaluated at the end of their first semester, see Academic Dismissal and first semester freshman below.

Academic Probation

Students who fall below the minimum GPA required for Good Academic Standing are placed on Academic Probation. Academic Probation is a means of emphatically informing students that their academic record is unsatisfactory while there is still time to remedy the situation. Probation is not meant to be a penalty, but should be interpreted as a serious warning to improve the quality of academic work.

Academic Dismissal

Students who fail to bring their cumulative GPA to or above the minimum for Good Academic Standing (2.0) by the conclusion of the next 12 credits attempted are academically dismissed from the University. Freshman GPA is evaluated at the end of their first semester, see Academic Dismissal and first semester freshman below.


A student’s academic standing is based on the results of their academic performance at Thomas Jefferson University, as calculated and evaluated by Grade Point Average (GPA) upon attempting 12 credits including summer and abbreviated terms. Freshman GPA is evaluated at the end of their first semester, see Academic Dismissal and first semester freshman below.


This policy is applicable to undergraduate students at Thomas Jefferson University. Academic programs may have a higher minimum GPA requirement to be in Good Academic Standing in the program; students are advised to review the college handbook in which they are enrolled.


Conditions of Academic Probation
  • Official notification of Academic Probation will be in writing and sent via email to the student’s University email by Registrar’s Office
  • Students will be required to meet with their academic advisor to review, sign and develop a strategy to meet the components of a success contract.
  • Students must meet with their academic advisor within two weeks of being placed on Academic Probation and must meet regularly thereafter throughout the probationary period.
  • Academic Probation may also result in financial aid probation. Students are encouraged to meet with a member of the Financial Aid office. Notification from Financial Aid of a change in status will be sent to students in a separate communication with guidelines to be followed.
  • Students are not permitted to take more than a normal course load and may be required to take a reduced course load.
  • Students will not be able to participate in intercollegiate athletics or hold elected or appointed office in any SGA-recognized student organization while on Academic Probation.
  • Students are encouraged to reduce the number of hours of employment and limit participation in other extracurricular activities that interfere with the performance of their academic work.
Academic Standing & Grade Change
  • If a grade change results in a student’s GPA rising to Good Academic Standing, they should notify the Registrar’s Office to request a change in Academic Standing; reassessment is not automatic and must come from a request to reassess standing.
Academic Standing and Change of Major
  • Students must meet the admissions criteria for the program to which they will be applying.
  • A student who does not meet the program-specific Good Academic Standing requirements of their academic program may apply to transfer to another academic program within the University.
Academic Standing and First-Semester Freshman

Freshman academic achievement (GPA) is evaluated at the end of the first semester. Students who do not achieve success as defined below face academic dismissal at the conclusion of that semester.

  1. Students whose GPA is below 1.0 at the conclusion of the first semester, are academically dismissed from the University.
  2. Students whose GPA are between 1.0 and 1.99 are placed on academic probation and must follow the criteria set forth in this policy.
Academic Dismissal Notification & Appeal Options
  • Students will receive written notification of Academic Dismissal via email to the student’s University email and certified letter to their mailing address of record from the Registrar’s Office
  • Students may appeal the dismissal and seek reinstatement by submitting a written request to the chair and sub-committee chair of the Academic Standing Committee by the date listed in the dismissal letter.
  • Appeal results to either sustain or rescind dismissal is at the discretion of the Appeal Committee and based on the information contained in the appeal letter describing the extraordinary circumstances that led to dismissal and include:
  1. Detailed explanation of circumstances that led to dismissal
  2. New approach plan to reach Good Standing
  3. Request to remain in the major or apply to a new major
  4. Prior and planned use of academic success resources


The College of Nursing (JCN) has specific policies that exceed the minimum standards set forth in this policy.  Students should consult with their Academic Advisor and their College Handbook for specific policy.