Seed Grant Application
Chris Pastore, PhD
- Associate Director, Institute for Smart & Healthy Cities
- Professor, Transdisciplinary Studies & Engineering
- Assistant Provost for Faculty Development, Nexus Learning & Classroom Pedagogy
Kanbar College of Design, Engineering & Commerce
Thomas Jefferson University
[email protected]
Procedure for Applications
- Individuals must apply for the grants on InfoReady:
- Proposal submissions are due on August 25, 2023.
- Applications will be reviewed by the JeffSmart staff.
- Grant funding begins October 2023 and ends on June 15, 2024.
- Proposals must be submitted using InfoReady by August 25, 2023.
Application Format
Proposals should adhere to the following format:
- Title:
Include project title and author(s)
Abstract (maximum 200 words)
1. Purpose
2. Rationale
3. Goal(s)
4. Project Implementation and Project Deliverables
5. Potential funders upon completion - Explanation of How the Project Advances the JeffSmart mission
Identify the specific priorities this project addresses and discuss how this project advances the JeffSmart mission. Be specific. - Literature Review
Address relevant conceptual and theoretical framework of your project, as well as related course work, research and/or literature. In this section, you are demonstrating your knowledge of the topic. - Specific Project Goals
Please address/list the primary goals and objectives of the project and the intended learning outcomes (for you as a researcher, not student learning outcomes). This can be in bullet points and should include how you plan to execute the project. - Description of Activities and time frame
Please describe specific project activities and your schedule/timeline. This can be bullet points and/or in the form of a table. - Project Assessment
Please indicate how you will assess your project to determine if your goals and intended results for the project were met. Identify specific activities or measures you will use to document your assessment and your conclusions. Identify specific activities or measures you will use to collect evidence. - Documentation and Dissemination
Describe how the project outcomes will be documented and shared with the University community. Preference will be given to projects with dissemination plans for both inside and outside the University. Potential papers, articles, presentations at conferences, and workshops held on campus or at conferences from this research should be stated in this 4 part of the proposal. Recipients will be expected to present their work to the broader Jefferson community at Faculty Days 2023. - Funding Continuity
Describe how additional funding will be sought at completion of the seed grant. Identify potential funding agencies and why they might be interested - Project Personnel
Identify the people involved in the project and their intended contributions. If the project involves several faculty and/or staff members, describe how they will divide and share responsibilities. - Budget Narrative and Worksheet
Applicants should use the following format to describe their budget. This should be followed by a short budget narrative. The narrative should include a justification of the need for each requested faculty stipend as well as other budgetary line items.
Grant funds must be spent by June 15, 2024. All requests for reimbursement must be processed by June 30, 2024. In the event that the faculty member is unable to complete the project or leaves the University, the unexpended funds will revert to the University.