Call for Proposals


Name: Edgar Stach, PhD
Position: Director, Institute for Smart & Healthy Cities
Organization: Thomas Jefferson University
Name: Carlo Federico dall'Omo, PhD
Department: Urban Design & Environmental Planning Exchange Program
Organization: Università Iuav di Venezia
Name: Dr. Madeleine Wilcox
Position: Manager, International and Domestic Study Away Programs
Organization: Thomas Jefferson Univerity


Thomas Jefferson University in partnership with Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy, has been the recipient of an Erasmus+ for Higher Education grant funded by the European Union Program (ERASMUS+ KA 171).

The grant supports student mobility for training and education, as well as staff mobility for training and teaching between the Institute for Smart and Healthy Cities at Thomas Jefferson University and Università Iuav di Venezia.

All Applications must be emailed to: 

  • Madeleine Wilcox, PhD
    Manager, International and Domestic Study Away Programs
    [email protected]
  • Edgar Stach, PhD
    Director of Institute for Smart & Healthy Cities
    [email protected]

Application Deadlines

Applications rolling for the Academic Year 2024/25

  • All activities must be completed by July 31, 2025