Why Jefferson Physical Therapy?

Excellent Pass Rate on Licensure Exam

Graduates from our Doctor of Physical Therapy Program consistently achieve higher scores than the national average pass rate on the National Physical Therapy Licensure Exam.


Strong Affiliation Program

We believe in providing you with real-world experience early in your academic career. Our PT students participate in clinical affiliations in the beginning of their first year in the Program. Students have the opportunity to experience a  wide variety of clinical affiliations through our Clinical Partnerships.

A Healthcare Studies-Focused University

Thomas Jefferson University is dedicated to one thing: training the next generation of healthcare professionals who will provide the best clinical care, research and service. Our Physical Therapy program is a thriving member of a larger campus community of various healthcare professions, allowing us to offer greater breadth and depth in healthcare education than ever before.

Interprofessional Education

Our specialization in healthcare education provides a unique opportunity to learn in a dynamic, collaborative environment. Our model for healthcare education depends on a true community of professionals and scholars in which members learn with and from one another. They embrace each other’s contributions. And they collaborate to provide the finest care possible.

The Jefferson InterProfessional Education Center (JCIPE) is dedicated to improving patient care through implementing and evaluating patient-centered, interprofessional education throughout the Thomas Jefferson University curriculum.

Dr. Robert & Dorothy Rector Clinical Skills & Simulation Center (RCSSC)

RCSSC simulates the hospital environment in a standardized fashion, allowing students to learn clinical skills and providing opportunities for structured practice. Fundamental skills, including patient history-taking and physical examination, are embedded into students' classroom work. What they learn in class is translated into actions in the skills that are learned at the Center.