Coaching in Context


College of Rehabilitation Sciences




Center City


Hybrid (Online and On Campus)


12 Months

Starting Term


Learning Opportunities for Coaching in Context

Health, education, and human services professionals interested in coaching have access to a variety of ways to gain state of the art knowledge and skills at Jefferson. Our evidence-based offerings are design to meet the needs of busy professionals. Choose between introductory workshops, live or on demand, a 3-credit graduate course to gain foundational coaching skills, or an Advanced Practice Certificate (4, 3-credit courses) to gain depth of knowledge and skills. Other ways to learn are through perusing the Coaching Resources.

The Coaching in Context Advanced Practice Certificate is designed for interdisciplinary professionals with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree with a desire to use coaching as an approach within their practice. Jefferson has an online application that allows candidates to submit all required application material directly to the application platform. Students interested in credentialing through the International Coaching Federation will earn coaching-specific education hours and client coaching hours.

Students and prospective students interested in an introduction to professional coaching and the Coaching in Context model can enroll in the first course of the Coaching in Context Advance Practice Certificate. This course titled Coaching in Context: Introduction & Development (JCRS 760) provides an overview of professional coaching principles and skills and their alignment with the International Coaching Federation's core coaching competencies. It introduces students to the Coaching in Context Model and its theoretical foundations, including positive psychology, self-determination theory, person-environment-occupation model, and goal-setting theory. In this online course (i.e., asynchronous and synchronous), students will learn from seminal evidence-based papers, and video examples, practice coaching with peers, and engage in reflective practice to magnify their learning. Students interested in credentialing through the International Coaching Federation will earn coaching-specific education hours and client coaching hours.

Jefferson Students

Jefferson’s students who wish to register for this course should email us to obtain the CRN number or visit the course catalog.

Non-Degree Students

To take this introductory course in Coaching in Context as a non-degree student, please complete the non-degree application along with the submission of a copy of your transcript from your most recent degree program. On the application, you will:

  • Select College: College of Rehabilitation Sciences Graduate Non-Degree
  • Under “If known, list the course name and course number of the course(s) you would like to take.” Please list Coaching in Context: Introduction & Development (JCRS 760)

Once you complete the Non-Degree Application, our Graduate Admissions team will contact you regarding course registration. If you have questions regarding the application, please email [email protected]. If you have questions about the course, please email [email protected].

We offer Coaching in Context workshops for a variety of practice settings.

Visit our Coaching Resources page where we summarize recent research, share coaching tips, and discuss coaching models.