DHSc in Population Health
At a Glance
Our DHSc in Population Health program is supported by expert faculty researchers and practitioners who teach in the program, chair and serve on dissertation committees, lead mentored research experiences, and provide scientific and professional support for students throughout their DHSc.
Associate Professor
Associate Dean, Strategic Initiatives
Program Director, DHSc in Population Health Email Alexis Skoufalos 215-955-2822 -
Assistant Program Director
Adjunct Teaching Assistant Professor Email Susan Aloi -
Adjunct Teaching Assistant Professor Email Bruce Bernstein 215-503-0174
NAVVIS Professor of Population Health
Associate Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College Email Mitchell A Kaminski 215-955-9137 -
Associate Dean for Research Email Sharon Larson
Adjunct Teaching Assistant Professor Email Joel Reich 215-503-0174