New Housing Applicants

Frequently Asked Questions

No, unfortunately cable is not included in your housing fees. All students who want cable in their apartment will need to contact Comcast directly to setup an account and schedule installation. They can be reached at 1-800-934-6489.

Martin students cannot install cable in their room. There are TVs in the kitchen spaces with streaming services and live TV. 

The front desk of each building is staffed 24 hours a day. Pick up your unit key and move-in materials at the front desk of your assigned building. Condition Reports are linked in your confirmation email. This form allows you to document the condition of the unit in detail. Please complete the Condition Report within 48 hours of move in. Report all emergency maintenance requests (i.e. broken faucet, missing window screen) to the front desk for immediate assistance or through rentcafe. 

Please note, the Office of Residential Life will not distrubute keys to anyone other than the resident listed on the housing agreement. 

The Office of Residential Life - Center City Campus reserves desginated street parking for specific move in dates set in advance. If you are not arriving on one of the set move in dates, you can obtain a loading zone permit from the front desk of your building. Each permit is only for one hour and can be renewed on a case by case basis if more time is needed. Once you have the parking permit you can park your car in the designated Jefferson Loading Zone areas behind each residence hall. There are a limited number of spots but they are convenient and close to the freight elevator.

Please note that the Office does not manage street parking, and if you park on the street be sure to pay for the space at a designated meter. We will not reimburse parking tickets. 

Ample laundry machines are located in the basement of the Barringer and Orlowitz Residence halls. The Barringer and Orlowitz machines are free of charge. Upon move in you will receive a laundry card. If you lose the card or need to purchase a new Caleco laundry card, please contact PMC Property Group. 

Martin laundry facilities are also free of charge and located on each floor, as well as a full laundry room on the first floor. Martin residents do not need a laundry card for the laundry facilities.

When you move in you will be given a mailbox key or told to use your room key for your mailbox. All mailboxes are located in the lobby area of your Residence Hall. Please note that Barringer mailboxes are under the management of the US Postal Service. USPS delivers the mail daily and puts the mail into the mailboxes. The Office of Residential Life cannot access the Barringer mailboxes. 

For Martin/Orlowitz Residents: If you are going out of town or move off-campus we will forward any 1st class mail as long as you leave a forwarding mailing address.

For Barringer Residents: If you move out of Barringer or change apartments, you will need to officially change your mailing address with the USPS to make sure your mail is forwarded to your new address. This can be done by filling out a Change of Address form.

Mailboxes for outgoing mail are located on many corners in Philadelphia, including the corner of 10th and Walnut.

A United States Post Office is located on 12th and Market for all of your postal needs.

WaWa is located on Walnut between 9th & 10th streets and offers no service charge to use their Automatic Teller Machines (ATM). Two ATM's are located on the Jefferson campus at the Jefferson Alumni Hall Lobby and the Gibbon lobby.

In addition, the three following Banks are within walking distance to the residence halls:

    TD BANK- 9th & Market

    Bank of America - 10th & Chestnut

    PNC – 9th & Walnut (and in Gibbon 10th Street Lobby)

Barringer and Orlowitz Halls: Housing fees are due on the 1st of each month. You will receive a bill to your Rent Cafe account. Please be diligent in paying on time as late fees will begin to accrue on the 10th of each month. You can pay your rent one of two ways:

  1. Check Drop-Off: Write out a check and drop it off at the Orlowitz Front Desk. The Front Desk Clerk will take your check and put it in the designated dropbox for PMC. It is important that you write your name, building & room number, and telephone number on the check. You can also bring your check directly to PMC located in Orlowitz Hall, suite 106. 
  2. Rent Cafe: Students can pay their rent online via Students can setup reoccurring payments that will automatically be deducted for each month's rent. Students will be added to rentcafe upon move in. Once registered, students can then setup their payment information and new login information. 

IMPORTANT: Barringer and Orlowitz residents- rent can be paid by check or money order payable to PMC Property Group.

Martin Residence: Paying your housing fees is easy. Your housing fees are due at the beginning of each term. The calendar year is divided into four possible terms. While you must have signed your contract for the Fall and Spring terms, you may or may not have decided to stay on for pre-fall or summer terms:

  • Pre-Fall term: July 1st - August 31st
  • Fall Term: September 1st - December 31st
  • Spring Term: January 1st - May 31st
  • Summer Term: June 1st - June 30th

When housing fees are due, you will not receive a separate bill, but the fees will appear on your tuition bill if you are a student. Please be diligent in checking your Banner web account and paying on time. A hold will be placed on your record if you are delinquent in paying any tuition or housing fees.

This situation may be applicable for some students who live in Barringer and Orlowitz Halls. To avoid late fees contact the Office of Residential Life at [email protected] to submit a rent deferment form. Rent deferments can only be approved once a semester. Furthermore, if you are having financial difficulties we will try to work with you. Please schedule an appointment to speak with an ORL respresentative. 

Since Martin residents pay their housing fees via Banner web, the Office of Residential Life - Center City Campus is not able to assist with any rent or financial aid matters.

For more comprehensive information, contact the Financial Aid Office.

Students may reserve a lounge for personal use. In order to reserve a lounge, please reserve the space through the Housing Portal. You can find a list of lounges on the Hosuinig Portal as well. 

Please refer to the Home Page for announcements regarding any updates on common areas.

Information Services & Technologies (IS&T) manages the on campus wireless internet access. However, IS&T will only configure PCs/MACs with certain operating systems. To make an appointment to set up your wireless account, contact IS&T at 215-503-7600.

Throughout the year, all questions about the wireless system should be directed to the Jefferson IS&T Solution Center at 215-503-7600.

Log onto the Housing Portal and use the roommate matching feature to help find a roommate. 

It will not affect your current rent payment, but your electric bill may increase due to change in occupancy.

Please note that you will not be able to renew your current space for next academic year without the proper roommates to fill the space.