$121,400 tax deductible. Limited to one.
- All uses of 2022 event name on collateral will appear as Jefferson Celebration of Innovation Presented by [Your Name]
- Top recognition as Presenting Sponsor on all collateral, including invitation and event signage (deadline to be included on invitation is Friday, August 19)
- Name or company logo/link on the Celebration of Innovation website
- Name/logo included on event photo backdrop
- Name, company logo, or provided 1300px × 1000px ad featured in digital program (deadline to be included in the program is Friday, September 2)
- Invitation for company executive to present brief remarks (3 minutes) at Celebration of Innovation (Tuesday, September 20)
- Recognition of support by university leadership during program
- Recognition of Presenting Sponsor in Jefferson Innovator magazine. Print distribution: 70,566; Electronic distribution: 50,000
- Recognition of Presenting Sponsor on social media accounts leading up to event
- Twenty (20) seats with premier seating at Celebration of Innovation (Tuesday, September 20)
- Four (4) sponsored Jefferson students to attend event
- Access for twenty (20) to pre-event VIP reception
- Twenty-four (24) event bags branded with [Your Name] and item (to be mutually agreed upon)
- Two (2) endowed [Your Name] Scholarships established for students at Thomas Jefferson University