Jefferson Urology Society

Jefferson Urology/Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center Father’s Day Run

The Jefferson Urology Society is a student-run organization that provides medical students with the opportunity to learn more about the exciting and dynamic field of urology.

The goal of the society is to promote interaction among students, residents and faculty via informational sessions, research, shadowing opportunities and charitable events. The organization also works to provide interested students with faculty mentors who serve as role models and advisors for students who are interested in pursuing a career in urology.

Any questions or comments can be directed to [email protected].

JUS Officers

The executive board for the year
of 2020-2021 is as follows:

President: Kerith Wang 
VP Research: Yash Shah
VP Clinical: Emily Yanoshak
Secretary: Elizabeth Pavis  
Treasurer: Anushka  Ghosh
Upperclass Liaisons: Xiya Wu

Underclass Liaisons:
John Wahlstedt,  Sohan Shah

Dr. Lallas instructs in the operating room
Jefferson Urology Society in the operating room with Dr. Kundavarum demonstrating at the console

Annual Events

General Interest Meeting (Dr. Costas Lallas/Residents) - This talk exposes students to the field of Urology covering the scope of urologic diseases and treatments (both medical and surgical) undertaken by urologists. Answers basic questions concerning training, lifestyle, compensation and day-to-day activities of urologists.

Activities and Carerr Fairs- Students introduce the whole Jefferson community as well as the lower year medical students to urology.  Representatives from a range of level of training share tips and answer questions.

Robotic Lecture/Demonstration (Dr. Lallas) - Students receive a lecture on the history of robotic surgery in Urology followed by a hands-on demonstration of the da Vinci robot in a Jefferson operating room. Students get the rare chance to sit behind both the simulator robot as well as the actual operating console of the robot.

Post-Match Panel - Annual panel of 4th year students after successful match into Urology residency programs. This affords current medical students the opportunity to ask questions and gather advice on the application process.

Workshop: (Residents/M4)- JUS hosts a variety of workshops to learn procedures, such as no-scalpel vasectomies and foley insertions.  Residents and upper years demostrate proper techinques, andmodels and supplies replicating real-life scenarios are provided for hands-on practice.


Recent Sidney Kimmel Medical College Match



Jesscia Bulafka-Albert Einstein Medical Center, Phladelphia, PA

Connor MCPartland-Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

Caroline Purcell-University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Jospeh Schultz-Virgina Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Adam Schneider- Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Philadelphia, PA


Kaitlin Berry-Southern Illinois University,  Springfield, IL

Cassra Clark-Milton S. Hershey Medical, Hershey, PA

Andrea Quiinn-Univerity of Pittsburgh, PA

Jared Raikin- Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ

Bowen Yao- Univeristy of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN




Emily Bocher-Univ. of texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX

Nicholas Bowler-George Washington University, Washignton ,DC

Jesscia Clark- Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

Ryan Fogg-Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Ernest Gillan-Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ

Yitzchak Katlowitz-Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn,NY

Brent Perry-Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA

Sage Vincent- Sidney Kimmel College, Philadlephia, PA


Andre Alabd - Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Courtney Capella - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Michelle Leach - UC San Diego, San Diego, CA
Joon Yau Leong - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Spencer Liem - Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Miami, FL
Seth Teplitsky - University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Elaine Yang - Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH


Joseph Baiocco - Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY
Brian Calio - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Ben Cedars - UC San Diego, San Diego, CA
Michelle Chen - Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
Jenny Guo - Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Graham Hale - University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
Jennifer Nauheim - Einstein/Montefiore Hospital, New York, NY
Michael Pintauro - University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Talia Stark - Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY


Logan Hubbard - Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX
Ramzy Nagle - Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Michelle Sheng - Emory University, Atlanta, GA


Basil Ferenczi, Virginia Mason, Seattle, WA
Masaya Jimbo, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Edward Kloniecke, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Kuojung Lu, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Anthony Tokarski, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Adam Sharbaugh, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA


Robert Cooper, The University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio TX (Military)
Michele Fascelli, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Philip Hsiao, University of California, Davis, CA
Kinnari Patel, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Benjamin Rudnick, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Alex Uhr, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA


May Jean Counsilman, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA 
Lior M. Hirsch, Hospital of Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Jeffrey B. Walker, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA
Michael Zhang, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY
Jake McFadden, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center


Alex Arnouk, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY
Paul Bloch, University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN
Dean Laganosky, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Ziho Lee, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Kushan Radadia, Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ
Hong Truong, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
John Walton, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA


Patrick Gomella, George Washington University, DC
Jessica Jackson, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA


Ashlee N. Godshalk, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH
Mohit Gupta, University of Florida College of Medical, Gainesville, FL
Lawrence M. Lee, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Andrew C Margules, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Zein K. Nakhoda, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Hadley W. Narins, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Daniel T. Pucheril, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI
Kevin J. Tsai, University of Rochester Medical Center., Rochester, NY
Joy M. Welty, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA
Anton Wintner, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA


Paul Chung, University of Texas South Western Medical College
Matthew Ferroni, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, College of Medicine & Public Health
Jennifer Heckman, University of Wisconsin - College of Medicine


Timothy Brown - Massachusetts General Hospital, MA
Thenappan Chandrasekar - University of California-Davis Medical Center, CA
Ryan Cleary - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, PA
Geoffrey Gaunay - Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Beth Israel Medical Center, NY
Trisha Juliano - Vanderbilt University, TN
Franklin Lee - University of Washignton Affiliated Hospitals, WA
Nathan Roberts - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, PA
Mona Yezdani - George Washington University, DC


Michael Garcia-Roig - University of Miami College of Medicine, FL
Benjamin Katz - Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Beth Israel Medical Center, NY
Eric Moskowitz - New York Medical College, NY
Pranav Sharma - Henry Ford Hospital, MI


Stephen Mock - Mt. Sinai Medical Center, NY
Steven Sterious - Temple University, PA
Marguerite Thomer - University of Rochester, NY
Christopher Yingling - Georgetown University, DC


Adrienne Heckler - Oregon Health & Science University, OR
Daniel Sackett - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, PA
Joshua Sleeper - University of Texas-Southwestern, TX
Adam Tyson - University of Connecticut Health Center, CT
Jin Soon Yeoh - State University of New York at Buffalo, NY


Jodi Antonelli - Duke University Medical Center, NC
Jeffrey Tomas - University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA


Michael Cox - Washington University, MO
James Johannes - Thomas Jefferson University, PA
George Kallingal - Tripler Army Medical Center, HI
Ngoc-Bich Le - University of Florida, FL