The Neuropathology Division is directed by Mark T. Curtis, MD, PhD. Lawrence C. Kenyon, MD, PhD serves as the co-director and, along with Dr. Curtis, constitute the Neuropathology staff. The pathology department averages 100 autopsies, 24,000 surgical specimens, 34,000 cytology cases, and over 2 million clinical laboratory tests.
A weekly neurohistology conference is provided for didactic lectures on a broad range of topics including vascular and traumatic lesions, infections of the central nervous system, demyelinating diseases, dysmyelinating diseases, glial, neuronal, and extra-axial neoplasms, dementia and neurodegeneration, and skeletal muscle pathology. Residents are encouraged to attend clinicopathologic and brain cutting conferences which are offered on weekly basis. Each resident is provided a list of recommended reading.
Mark T. Curtis, MD, PhD
Director, Neuropathology
Director, Neuropathology Residency Program