Applying for a HEOR Fellowship


Name: Vittorio Maio, PharmD, MS, MSPH
Position: Director, HEOR Fellowship Program
Contact Number(s):

Fellowship Application Instructions by Sponsor

We are not recruiting for the 2025-2027 MedTech fellowship program. 

Recruitment of Novartis Fellows is conducted annually. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.  To be considered for the Novartis Fellowship, please email [email protected]

by October 25, 2024  with the following materials:  

  • CV
  • Cover Letter
  • Include first-year fellowship site(s)
  • Email of 2 References

If offered an interview, the following documents will be requested:

  • Two Letters of Recommendation (sent via email from references)
  • Unofficial Transcript

Applicants for the 2025-2027 Otsuka fellowship should submit the following application materials by October 25, 2024. All application materials should be emailed to  [email protected]. Selection of the candidate will occur on or before June  23, 2025. 

  • CV
  • Unofficial transcript(s)
  • Letter of intent 
  • List of 3 references 

Recruitment of Teva Fellows is conducted annually. Applicants for the 2025-2027 fellowship should submit the following application materials by October 25, 2024.  All application materials should be emailed to  [email protected]. Selection of the candidate will occur on or before June  23, 2025. 

  • CV
  • Unofficial transcript(s)
  • Letter/essay describing career objectives
  • Contact information for three references
  • Contact information

The United Therapeutics Corporation is not recruiting for the 2025-2027  fellowship.

Application Instructions

Application materials and questions should be emailed to [email protected], unless otherwise stated. As JCPH offers multiple HEOR Fellowships, please identify the fellowships for which you are applying.

To submit application materials via mail:

JCPH Outcomes Fellowship
Attn: Vittorio Maio, PharmD, MS, MSPH
Jefferson College of Population Health
901 Walnut Street, 10th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Applications will be reviewed and prospective candidates will be contacted for a final round interview. Fellows will be announced as stated in the brochure of each program.