Student Accessibility Services
Responsibilities & Rights
Student Responsibilities
Students have the responsibility to:
- Provide documentation that meets the University's documentation requirements.
- The University is not required to provide accommodations until the student has provided sufficient documentation of the need for the accommodation.
- Identify themselves as having a disability for which accommodations or assistance is required by meeting with Accessibility Services.
- The University reserves the right to request additional documentation or testing to establish the need for a specific accommodation.
- Provide Accessibility Services with a roster each semester, so that accommodation letters may be prepared for the student to give to each instructor. Initiate timely requests for accommodations.
- It is not necessary to inform faculty of the exact nature of the disability.
- Meet the academic standards and requirements of Thomas Jefferson University and the specific program.
- Inform Accessibility Services if accommodations are not provided and needed.
Student Rights
Students have the right to:
- Receive equal access to courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities offered by the University.
- Receive reasonable and appropriate accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids, as determined on a case-by-case basis.
- Refuse accommodations and/or services at any time without jeopardizing their rights to any future accommodations and/or services.
- Expect that information regarding their disability and need for accommodations will be treated confidentially to the extent practicable by Thomas Jefferson University.