East Falls Mail Services

Contact Us

Contact Number(s):

Mailroom Window Hours

10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Duplication Hours

8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Hours apply during Fall and Spring Semesters when classes are in session.

Special Services/Discounts

Special Services

  • Certified Mail - for those of you who would like to be able to track an important piece of mail (please mark on the front in large letters “certified”).
  • Insured Mail - material of a value not more than $500.00 should be sent this way. Irreplaceable articles should be sent “registered” (please mark on the front in large letters “insured $ Value”).
  • Registered Mail - this is the most secure way of sending irreplaceable or items of value. These articles are kept in secured locations by the post office (please mark in large letters “registered $ Value”).
  • Return Receipt - can be used with all of the above special services for proof of receipt and is for both US and international mail (please add in large letters “RR”). Contact the mailroom and we will send you some when needed.

Special Discount Mailings

  • First Class Presort - minimum of 500 pieces. Must come to the mailroom in zip code order $0. 02 discount through the Mail Services or better discount through a mail house.
    *Not All Pieces Will Qualify
  • Non- Profit Bulk Mail - minimum of 200 pieces. Must come to the mailroom in zip code order. Cost per letter-size piece 15.5¢ plus through Mail Services or Better discount through mail house.
    *Not All Pieces Will Qualify
    *All Addressing Should Be In Capital Letters.

Mail Services must be notified at least TWO (2) WEEKS in advance of a presort mailing with a mail house using our permit 2839.

To update your mailing list, the words “ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED” can be imprinted on your mail. The post office will return a copy of your mailing piece with a corrected address for a charge of .60 cents per returned item.

Please consult the mailroom before making a large mailing and/or international mailing.