Global Education & Initiatives

The following is a list of the primary contacts for each program within the Office of Global Education and Initiatives.

Department Email: [email protected]

International and Exchange Student Programs
Hannah Bar-Giora, Program Director
[email protected]

International and Domestic Study Away Programs
Dr. Madeleine Wilcox, Manager
[email protected]

Study Away and International Student Programs
Justine Chevallier, Office Coordinator
[email protected]

The Global Portfolio
Raju Parakkal, Program Director
[email protected]

National Student Exchange
Madeleine Wilcox, NSE Coordinator and outgoing NSE student advisor
[email protected]

Hannah Bar-Giora, incoming NSE student advisor
[email protected]

Fulbright U.S. Student Program
Marcella Deh, Program Advisor
[email protected]