Where? Why? How serious? These are the basic questions that a clinician must attempt to answer when a patient presents with a medical problem. The same questions must be answered to make appropriate comparisons in studies of outcomes, quality, or costs of care. The “where” is the specific organ or system of the body; the “why” is the etiology of the problem; and the “how serious” is the pathophysiologic changes that have occurred and the ranking of the disease’s complications.
Physicians use information from a patient’s history, physical examination, laboratory findings, and other diagnostic tests to answer these questions in order to diagnose a disease, to estimate the patient’s prognosis, and to prescribe appropriate treatment. Ideally, answers should be available before therapeutic intervention. Even in those cases when definitive answers may not be available and treatment must be given, it should be based on the presumptive answers to these questions.
Disease Staging is a classification system that uses diagnostic findings to produce clusters of patients who require similar treatment and have similar expected outcomes. It can serve as the basis for clustering of clinically homogeneous patients to assess quality of care, analyze clinical outcomes, review utilization of resources, assess efficacy of alternative treatments, and assign credentials for hospital privileges.
Ideally, a diagnostic label should have explicit data about the location of the health problem, the cause of the problem, and the severity of the problem. The majority of diagnostic labels identify the site of the disease (e.g., appendicitis, cholecystitis, diverticulitis, and peptic ulcer). Some provide information about the system involved and cause of the problem (e.g., pneumococcal pneumonia and urinary tract infection caused by E. coli). Other diagnostic labels are manifestations of problems (e.g., hypertension and anemia). A few, because of the body system involved, also convey a degree of severity (e.g., myocardial infarction or bacterial meningitis). And some may even be distinguished by the time of onset (e.g., congenital toxoplasmosis).
Only in the discipline of cancer has the medical profession developed a diagnostic classification that includes severity based on the understanding of the need to measure the efficacy of various treatments for similar clusters of patients. Now that society is challenging the medical profession to document quality of care in a more objective manner, similar measurement instruments are needed for all medical problems.