About Us
1020 Locust Street
Jefferson Alumni Hall, Suite 279
Philadelphia, PA 19107
The Department provides leadership across the tripartite missions of the Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University and direction of the Clinical Laboratories of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, The Jefferson Hospital for Neurosciences and Methodist Hospital.
The instruction (75%) in the Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum is provided by department faculty and our highly sought-after Residency Program has historically resulted in a 100% match. The Department also offers Clinical Fellowships in the fields of Blood Bank/Transfusion Medicine, Cytopathology, and Hematopathology. Additionally, the Department offers a graduate program (PhD) in Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine offered through the Jefferson College of Life Sciences.
The Department is home to the Daniel Baugh Institute of Computational Biology and Functional Genomics, and the Institute of Computational Medicine and supports the Electron Microscopy, and Anatomic Pathology Shared Facilities. Research in the Department encompasses studies in the fields of alcohol, genomics, matrix biology, cancer, mitochondria, microbiology, neuroscience and immunology.