Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Nannette Fromm, EdM
She / Her / Hers
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
901 Walnut Street 6th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
[email protected]
Contact Number(s):
Annual Goals 2023-24
- The IDEA committee will review best practices for holistic admissions and make recommendations to the College for the recruitment and application process.
Annual Goals 2022-2023
- The College launched its inaugural Readiness, Exploration, and Application for Careers in Health (REACH) Program on the East Falls Campus in August 2022.
Annual Goals 2021-2022
- Department admissions representatives, along with partners from Enrollment Management reviewed admissions practices across all programs in the college, along with best practices for holistic admissions across the health professions. The discussion resulted in recommendations for consideration.