
Name: Angelo Lepore, PhD
Position: Co-Director, Neuroscience Graduate Program, Department of Neuroscience

900 Walnut Street, Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19107


Name: Kyunghee Koh, PhD
Position: Co-Director, Neuroscience Graduate Program, Department of Neuroscience
Contact Number(s):

Program Information

Name: Danielle Park
Position: Program Coordinator, Jefferson College of Life Sciences
Organization: Jefferson

1020 Locust Street
M-46 JAH
Philadelphia, PA 19107

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Current Students

The close-knit student body of the Graduate Program in Neuroscience is an integral part of the Jefferson Community and continues the time-honored tradition of scholarly exchange. Our interdisciplinary curriculum allows students from all departments to work collectively toward the common goal of progress in the field of neuroscience. 

Current Students

Abneil Alicea-Pauneto
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2022
Thesis Advisor:
Chang-Gyu Hahn, MD, PhD
Project: TBA

Victoria Baccini
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2018
Thesis Advisor: 
Matthew Dalva, PhD
Project: TBA

Andrea Berghella
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2022
Thesis Advisor:
Elena Blanco-Suarez, PhD
Project: TBA

Bridget Boyle
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2020
Thesis Advisor:
Elena Blanco-Suarez, PhD
Project: To study the spatiotemporal-dependent roles of Chrdl1 in ischemic stroke-driven GluA2-AMPAR distribution and its role in differential neuronal vulnerability to stroke.

Joseph Buchler
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2022
Thesis Advisor:
Lin Guo, PhD
Project: TBA

Kerry Buckhaults
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2023
Thesis Advisor: 
Le Ma, PhD
Project: TBA

Laurence Busque
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2023
Thesis Advisor: 
Chang-Gyu Hahn, MD, PhD
Project: TBA

Debotri Chatterjee (MD/PhD)
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2021
Thesis Advisor:
Richard Smeyne, PhD
Project: I'm interested in looking at the interplay of environmental toxins and viral infections in the etiology of Parkinson's disease.

Kallon Crowther
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2021
Thesis Advisor:
Angelo Lepore, PhD
Project: TBA

Gabriela Daszewka-Smith
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2023
Thesis Advisor:
Elena Blanco-Suarez, PhD
Project: TBD

Jesse Humenik
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2019
Thesis Advisor:
Timothy Mosca, PhD
Project: 1) Identifying Cell Surface and Secreted Proteins used in synaptogenesis 2) The role of transcription factors in neurogenesis  

David Jaffe (MD/PhD)
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2021
Thesis Advisor:
Angelo Lepore, PhD
Project: TBA

Siddharth Karthikeyan (MD/PhD)
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2022
Thesis Advisor:
Le Ma, PhD
Project: TBA

Kyle Kennedy
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2023
Thesis Advisor: Manuel Covarrubias, MD, PhD
Project: TBA

Nikolas Kinney (MD/PhD)
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2023
Thesis Advisor: Hristelina Ilieva, MD, PhD
Project: TBA

Thomas Kuret (MD/PhD)
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2023
Thesis Advisor: Scott Waldman, MD, PhD
Project: TBA

James Lim
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2021
Thesis Advisor:
Mijail Serruya, MD, PhD
Project: TBA

Brianna Lisi
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2022
Thesis Advisor:
Piera Pasinelli, PhD
Project: TBA

Adam Marc (MD/PhD)
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2021
Thesis Advisor:
Chang-Gyu Hahn, MD, PhD
Project: TBA

Ivette Martorell Serra
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2021
Thesis Advisor:
Davide Trotti, PhD
Project: TBA

Elizabeth Moese
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2020
Thesis Advisor:
Le Ma, PhD
Project: I study how posttranslational modifications of neuronal microtubule associated proteins, MAP7 and tau, influence kinesin based transport and axon branching. 

Msema Msackyi
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2020
Thesis Advisor:
Chang-Gyu Hahn, MD, PhD
Project: TBA

Megan Muench
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2023
Thesis Advisor:
Davide Trotti, PhD/ Marco Tigano, PhD (Co-Mentor)
Project: TBA

Linh Phuong Nguyen (MD/PhD)
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2022
Thesis Advisor:
Manuel Covarrubias, MD, PhD/ Angelo Lepore, PhD (Co-Mentor)
Project: TBA

Tabitha Rodriguez
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2021
Thesis Advisor:
Richard Smeyne, PhD
Project: TBA

Cyrus Rostami
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2022
Thesis Advisor:
Rajanikanth Vadigepalli, PhD
Project: TBA

Katelyn Russell
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2016
Thesis Advisor: Aaron Haeusler, PhD
Project: TBA

Selin Seckin
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2022
Thesis Advisor:
Gyorgy Hajnoczky, MD, PhD
Project: TBA

Benjamin Seitz
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2023
Thesis Advisor: 
Timothy Mosca, PhD
Project: TBA

Medha Sengupta
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Fall 2019
Thesis Advisor:
Diane Merry, PhD
Project: TBA

Samantha Thomas (MD/PhD)
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2021
Thesis Advisor:
Angelo Lepore, PhD
Project: Promoting circuit-specific synaptic reconnectivity after spinal cord injury

Alana Williams
[email protected]

Matriculation Term: Summer 2021
Thesis Advisor:
Le Ma, PhD
Project: TBA

Recent Graduates

Tyler Alexander (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “Mechanism of short-term pre-synaptic plasticity in dorsal root ganglion neurons”
Advisor: Manuel Covarrubias, MD, PhD
Current Position: MD/PhD 7, JeffMD Phase 2, SKMC 3

Rachel Cain (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “”
Advisor: Matthew Dalva, PhD
Current Position: MD/PhD 7, JeffMD Phase 2, SKMC 3

Lara Cheslow (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “”
Advisor: Scott Waldman, MD, PhD
Current Position: MD/PhD 7, JeffMD Phase 2, SKMC 3

Haani Jafri (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “Elucidating the Role of Synaptic Nanomodules in Synapse Organization and Function”
Advisor: Mathew Dalva, PhD
Current Position: MD/PhD 8, JeffMD Phase 3, SKMC 4

Gabrielle Spagnuolo

Thesis Title: “Downregulation of the purinergic receptor P2Y1R promotes neuroprotection after ischemic injury in rats via non-cell-autonomous mechanisms”
Advisor: Lorraine Iacovitti, PhD
Current Position: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Dr. Iacovitti's Laboraotry

Joshua Barton (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “Regulation of the Gut-Brain Axis by Guanylyl Cyclase C”
Advisor: Scott Waldman, MD, PhD

Current Position: Resident (PGY-1), Duke University

Alison DePew

Thesis Title: “Presynaptic LRP4 directs synapse development and cytoskeletal organization at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction”
Advisor: Timothy Mosca, PhD

Layla Ghaffari

Thesis Title: “Neuronal excitation-driven gene expression in C9orf72-linked ALS/FTD”
Advisor: Aaron Haeusler, PhD

Jordyn Karliner

Thesis Title: “Investigating the molecular mechanisms of neurite loss in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy”
Advisor: Diane Merry PhD

Michael Aimino

Thesis Title: “Synaptic development in different olfactory neuron classes uses distinct temporal and activity-related programs”
Advisor: Timothy Mosca, PhD

Matthew Byrne

Thesis Title: “Interactions between genetics, protein, and inflammation in modeling synucleinopathies”
Advisor: Richard Smeyne, PhD

Bridget Curran

Thesis Title: “Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Guidance of Bifurcating Sensory Axons During Development”
Advisor: Le Ma, PhD

Vibol Heng (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “Neurobiological and Behavioral Characterization of Adult Male and Female Mice in Prolonged Social Isolation”
Advisor: Richard Smeyne, PhD

Elana Molotsky

Advisor: Diane Merry, PhD

Andrew Nelson

Thesis Title: “Altered brain glucose metabolism drives disease in C9orf72-ALS/FTD”
Advisor: Davide Trotti, PhD

Eric Brown

Thesis Title: “Differential activation of pain circuitry neuron populations in spinal cord injury induced neuropathic pain”
Advisor: Angelo Lepore, PhD

Nicolette Heinsinger

Thesis Title: “Modulating EphBs in the dorsal horn attenuates neuropathic pain after cervical spinal cord injury”
Advisor: Angelo Lepore, PhD

Brandie Verdone

Thesis Title: “Understanding the consequences of dipeptide repeat protein formation in C9orf72 ALS/FTD”
Advisor: Piera Pasinelli, PhD
Current Position: PostDoctoral Fellow/ IRACDA Posdoctoral Scholar, Department of Biomedical Engineering/Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Brittany Charsar (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “Respiratory axon plasticity drives recovery of diaphragm function after spinal cord injury”
Advisor: Angelo Lepore, PhD
Current Position: PGY-3 Resident, Department of Neurology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia                 

Rogan Magee (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “Addressing Computational and Experimental Questions on tRNA-Derived Fragments (tRFs) to Define New Roles in Cell Behavior and Human Disease”
Advisor: Isidore Rigoutsos, PhD
Current Position: PGY - 3 Resident, Neurology, University of Pennsylvania

Sean O’Sullivan (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “The Effect of Alcohol and Opioid Withdrawal on Single-Cell Glia and Neuronal Gene Expression in the Visceral Emotional Neuraxis“
Advisor: James Schwaber, PhD

Benjamin Yang (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “Investigation of molecular mechanisms mediating MAP7 function in axon branching”
Advisor: Le Ma, PhD
Current Position: PGY-3 Resident, Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson

Jonathan Gorky (MD/PhD)

Advisor: James Schwaber, PhD    

Dante Merlino (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “Two distinct GUCY2C neuronal pathways in the hypothalamus and midbrain”
Advisor: Scott Waldman, MD, PhD

Tanziyah Muqeem (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: "The role of Kv3.4 channels in the neurotransmission of pain"
Advisor: Manuel Covarrubias, MD, PhD

Nathan Henderson

Thesis Title: "Trans-synaptic coordination of synapse development and plasticity: A focus on ephrin-B3 and PSD-95"
Advisor: Matthew Dalva, PhD    

Lauren Rosenblum (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: "Alternative Pathway of EAAT2-Mediated Toxicity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis"
Advisor: Davide Trotti, PhD

Thomas Westergard

Thesis Title: "Dipeptide Repeat Proteins Associated With C9ORF72 ALS/FTD: Understanding How They Are Made And How They Potentiate Disease"
Advisor: Davide Trotti, PhD

Jason You (MD/PhD)

Thesis Title: “Epigenetic regulation of hippocampal function and cognition in Alzheimer's disease”
Advisor: Jeannie Chin, PhD