Medical Cannabis
Cannabis Policy
Harm Reduction
Health Disparities
Child and Adolescent Health
Jennie Ryan, PhD, CPNP-AC
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Research & Clinicail Interests
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, University of Michigan (2020)
PhD, Villanova University (2018)
MSN, University of Pennsylvania (2009)
BSN, University of Pennsylvania (2004)
McCabe SE., Arterberry B., Dickinson K., Evans-Polce R., Ford J., Ryan J., Schepis TS. (2020) Trends in alcohol and marijuana abstinence, co-use, and use disorders among US young adults by college status: 2002-2018. JAMA Pediatrics (In Press)
Veliz PE., Ryan JE., Eckner J. (2020) Head, neck, and traumatic brain injury among children involved in sports: Results from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study. Journal of Adolescent Health. Epub ahead of print July 13, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.06.004.
Ryan, JE., Smetlzter, SC., Sharts-Hopko, N. (2020). Parents’ experiences using medical cannabis for their child. Nursing Outlook. 68(3):337-44 doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2019.12.004
Ryan JE., Veliz P., McCabe SE., Stoddard SA., Boyd CJ. (2019) Association of early onset of cannabis, cigarette, other drug use and schizophrenia or psychosis. Schizophrenia Research. 215(1):482-484.
Ryan, JE., Smeltzer, SC., & Sharts-Hopko, N. (2019). Challenges to studying illicit drug users. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 51(4):480-488. doi:10.1111/jnu.12486
Ryan, JE., Noeder, M., Burke, C., Stubblefield, S. C., Sulieman, S., & Miller, E. G. (2019). Denying renal transplantation to an adolescent medical cannabis user: An ethical case study. Pediatric Transplantation. 23(5):e13467.doi:10.1111/petr.13467
Ryan, J., & Sharts-Hopko, N. (2017). The experiences of medical marijuana patients: A scoping review of the qualitative literature. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 49(3):185-190.doi:10.1097/jnn.0000000000000283
Ryan, J. (2015). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for pediatric cardiac arrest. Critical Care Nurse. 35(1):60-69. doi:10.4037/ccn2015655
Sood, E., Karpyn, A., Demianczyk, A. C., Ryan, J., Delaplane, E. A., Neely, T., . . . Kazak, A. E. (2018). Mothers and fathers experience stress of congenital heart disease differently: Recommendations for pediatric critical care. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.19(7):626-634. doi:10.1097/pcc.0000000000001528
Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner - Acute Care
Professional organizations
College on Problems of Drug Dependence International Society for the Study of Drug Policy National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Sigma Theta Tau International |
College on Problems of Drug Dependence Travel Award for Early Career Investigators (2020)
Editor's Choice article in Journal of Nursing Schloarship (2019)
Ryan JE., Veliz P., McCabe SE., Stoddard SA., Boyd CJ. (2020, June) Health differences in a nationally representative sample of sexual minorities and medical cannabis users. Oral presentation at the 82nd annual meeting of the College of Problems on Drug Dependence, (Remote due to Covid-19)
Boyd, CJ.; Veliz, P., Evans-Polce R., Eismand, AB., Ryan, JE., McCabe, SE. (2020, June) Respiratory symptoms associated with e-cigarettes, cigarettes, marijuana and electronic nicotine delivery systems in a national sample of U.S. adolescents. Poster presented at the 82nd annual meeting of the College of Problems on Drug Dependence, (Remote due to Covid-19)
Ryan, JE., McCabe, SE., Boyd, CJ. (2019, May). The human cost of conflicting cannabis policies. Poster presented at the 13th annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, Paris, France
Ryan, JE., Sharts-Hopko, N., Smeltzer, SC. (2018, May). Parents’ perceptions of the experiences of medical marijuana families: A qualitative case study. Poster presented at the 12th annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Ryan, JE., Smeltzer, SC., Sharts-Hopko, N., McCabe, SE., Boyd, CJ. (2019, June). Parents’ experiences using medical marijuana for their children. Poster presented at the 81st annual meeting of the College of Problems on Drug Dependence, San Antonio, TX
Boyd CJ., Ryan JE., McCabe SE., Veliz P. (2019, March). Cannabis use disorder severity in a nationally representative sample of sexual minorities. Poster presented at the annual meeting for the American Society of Addiction Medicine, Orlando, FL
Ryan, JE. (2017, March). Medical marijuana: Risk and benefit in the pediatric patient. Oral presentation at the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners’ annual conference on Pediatric Health Care, Denver, CO
Ryan, JE. (2017, May). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for pediatric cardiac arrest. Oral presentation at the American Association of Critical Care Nurses’ National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition, Houston, TX
Ryan, JE. (2016, May) Medical marijuana: Risk versus benefit in the pediatric patient. Key note speaker presentation at AI duPont Hospital for Children Nurses’ Week, Nursing Grand Rounds, Wilmington, DE