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Associate Professor of Psychology
Research Interests
Professor Michaels is a licensed professional counselor and has over thirty-two years experience in residential treatment and private practice working with children, adolescents, and adults. He is affiliated with Bala Child and Family Associates, a group of long-experienced mental health professionals providing consultation and therapy to individuals and families. His areas of specialization include developmental trauma, mood and anxiety, substance abuse and dependence, and remediation of learning differences and attentional difficulties. Additionally, supportive therapy addresses concerns regarding self-concept and esteem, identity, and relational problems.
He teaches the upper level clinical courses at the undergraduate level. His courses in the undergraduate curriculum include Abnormal Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Senior Colloquium.
MS, Villanova University
BA, Messiah College
Licensed Professional Counselor, Pennsylvania; Nationally Certified Counselor, NBCC; Certified, Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics, Child Trauma Academy