Raju Parakkal, MA, PhD

Professor of International Relations

Contact Information


Ravenhill Mansion 308
4201 Henry Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144

Email Raju Parakkal


Professor of International Relations

Focus Areas

Antitrust/Competition Laws and Policy; Foreign Investments; Economic Development


PhD, International Relations, Florida International University (2009) 
MA, International Studies, Florida International University (2009) 
MA, Economics, University of Miami (2004) 
MA, Economics, Mahatma Gandhi University (2003)


Select Publications


CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), ICFAI, India, 1994-2002 (certified in 2007)


  • Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, 2024. (This award recognizes a faculty member who distinguishes themselves through innovation and sustained excellence in teaching.)
  • President’s Award for Excellence, Philadelphia University, Philadelphia, PA, April 20, 2017. (This faculty award is given annually by Philadelphia University to one faculty member in recognition of their extraordinary scholarship and academic accomplishments.)
  • Nexus Learning Award, Philadelphia University, Philadelphia, PA, 2014. Project (Group Member): Academic and Community Engagement Sessions (ACES). The Center for Teaching Innovation and Nexus Learning, Philadelphia University. (Nexus Learning Awards at Philadelphia University are granted for implementing active, collaborative, and real world learning experiences infused with the liberal arts.)
  • Grand Prize, International Studies Association (ISA) – South Conference, Savannah, GA, October 25-27, 2007. (This award is given annually to the best graduate student paper presented at this conference; the ISA is the professional association for scholars, practitioners and graduate students in the field of international relations/studies.)

Research Interests

I am an international and comparative political economist with research interests in global competition and antitrust laws, foreign investments, economic development, and currency reserves. I also have a research and scholarly interest in the politics, economics, and culture of the Indian sub-continent and transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe (particularly, Romania). In general, my research in political economy is focused mostly on developing countries and transition economies. Most of my recent publications have been in the area of global competition and antitrust laws that have explored the spread of these laws among developing and transition economies. Lately, my interest in competition/antitrust laws has turned towards issues related to the market power of major technology firms (“Big Tech”) and the socio-economic and political implications of this dominance. My most notable recent publication is a textbook on the global economy, The Contemporary Global Economy: A Multidisciplinary Approach, that was published by Kendall Hunt Publishing Company in 2023.