Contact Information

Mahmoud A. ElSohly



PhD, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA - 1975
MS, Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacognosy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt - 1971


Research Interests

  • Cannabis & Cannabinoids Chemistry 
  • Product Development 
  • Isolation & Characterizatoin of Natural Products 
  • Development of Analytical Proceedures 


  • Alexander O. Gettler Award from the American Academy of Forensic Science (AAFS) - 2016
  •  UM Research & Creative Achievement Award - 2013
  • International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) - 2013
  • Life time Achievement Award -  2013
  • University of Pittsburgh’s Legacy Laureate Award - 2011


Mahmoud A. ElSohly is a Research Professor at The National Center for Natural Products Research, and Professor of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi (UM).

ElSohly is the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Marijuana Project at UM. He is also the President and Laboratory Director of ElSohly Laboratories Incorporated, an analytical forensic drug testing and product development laboratory. He received his undergraduate and master’s degrees from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt and his Ph.D. in 1975 from University of Pittsburgh, School of Pharmacy, Pittsburg, PA. He has been with the University of Mississippi since 1975 and has been the Director of the NIDA Marijuana Project since 1981. He has over 40 years’ experience working with the isolation of natural products (notably cannabis secondary metabolites), synthetic analytical and forensic chemistry. He has more than50 patents and over 350 publications in these areas of science. Dr. ElSohly is also a member of many professional organizations, such as American Society of Sciences, Society of Forensic Toxicology, International Cannabinoids Research Society (ICRS), International Association of Cannabinoid Medicines, to name a few, and has received numerous awards, notably the Life Time Achievement Award from the ICRS and the Legacy Laureate Award from the University of Pittsburgh.


Botany & Chemistry of Cannabis