Katera Moore
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at Unity College
Dr. Katera Moore is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at Unity College. She is passionate about place-based change. She believes that small local changes can make a big cumulative difference thus she is committed to teaching students the value of authentic community engagement. She has had a wide range of experience in leadership roles to diligently work to create a stronger, healthier community. She previously served as the Director of the Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiativeat Penn where she built collaborative partnerships to address community public health, a symptom of broader environmental injustice. In this role, she created research opportunities for students to engage in community action research. She is a champion for K12 urban education and is currently engaged with The Center for Black Educator Development. Dr. Moore is a Penn alum with a Bachelors in Urban Studies and a Masters in Environmental Studies. She also has a PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences with a specialization in Geography from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.