Jon E. Woo, MD '95

Dr. Woo


Newcastle, WA

Jon E. Woo, MD '95

Jon Woo, MD '95, joined the Indian Health Service serving the Navajo in Shiprock, N.M., after graduating from Jefferson and the University of Pittsburgh Shadyside Family Medicine Residency, although admittedly, his secondary aim was running with a group of elite Kenyan marathoners.  

Dr. Woo has spent much of his career in residency and fellowship education teaching sports medicine and family medicine, having held the position of Clinical Assistant Professor at the Medical College of Georgia, Mercer University School of Medicine, and most recently, the University of Washington. 

He is currently adjunct faculty with HealthPoint CHC and the Wright Center National Family Medicine Residency Program while actively launching The Space Seattle, a novel venture focusing on the healthcare of dancers and performing artists.

Dr. Woo is honored to serve on the Sidney Kimmel Medical College Alumni Association Board.